
We train professors, as well as decision makers in the public, private and social spheres

We train professors, as well as decision makers in the public, private and social spheres, so that in their respective fields of action they promote effective regulation, as well as they can rethink the design and implementation of competition in the digital economy within the context of different sectors and the interaction of traditional and new business models.

Given the level of technical expertise involved, the uncertainty surrounding digital developments and the overwhelming pace of digital transformation, governments need more than ever training and access to education


Legal tech: Introducción a operaciones legales (legal OPS)

Legal tech: Introducción a operaciones legales (legal OPS)

Objetivo general: Brindar a los participantes una introducción a las operaciones legales (legal ops) como el conjunto de procesos, actividades y profesionistas que permiten a los departamentos y firmas legales proveer servicios con mayor eficacia y eficiencia al...

Ley fintech

Ley fintech

Objetivo del programa: Ofrecer a los participantes una visión integral de la Ley Fintech, detallando sus antecedentes, los principios que la rigen, las principales figuras reguladas, las características de los activos virtuales, así como las últimas novedades...